Friday, September 07, 2007

Postmodern Geek's Guide to Sex #24: Give it to me Rough Baby

In today's show I discuss:

  1. What do women really want when it comes to sex? Hearts and Flowers? Down and dirty? All of the above?

  2. And of course, once again, communication is muy importante when it comes to sex

  3. Automatic tooth brush or vibrator waiting to happen?

  4. Proctor & Gamble says : "WE ARE NOT SEX OBJECTS!"

  5. Mom went in for a biopsy on a lump in her breast, which fortunately turned out to be benign!

  6. A sexgeek PSA about the importance of cancer screening. For more info please visit the American Cancer Society website.

Music in today's cast is:

Download the MP3 Directly by clicking here