Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Post-Modern Geek's Guide to Sex: Show #2

  • Marie talks about her trials and tribulations with recording today (house alarms, recalcitrant computers and stinky pets)

  • First song for the cast is My Girl by Baseless

  • I mention that so far so good, no other problems have befallen my recording session. Little did I know that there was going to be a mysterious popping/clicking noise on my recording but too bad. I am not recording this a 5th time!

  • It's winter in the Metroplex and that means dry skin the remedy for which is Buttercream Frosting Sinfully Rich Body Butter by Jaqua Girls *hint hint*

  • Forgive me for being an eejit and not better explaining about dental dams (Saran Wrap for Oral Sex!) and STD testing. I give explanations for all of the above as well as info on how to find testing and treatment i.e. Planned Parenthood or Googling your local health department.

  • I'm experiencing a coughing issue so please excuse me if my voice sounds froggy

  • I talk about my lovely discovery that I already know Ellie of
    Bedroom Radio, which is a terribly sexy podcast. I then play the promo for her show done by Professor P of Professor P's Porn Panorama

  • I also mention that I think Professor P sounds incredibly sexy on the promo. Woohoo!

  • A couple of my listeners suggested that I do a podcast about talking dirty and I agree that it's a good idea. I plan on doing that after the holidays.

  • Next song on the list Christmas Here on Mars by Bubble

And that's a wrap folks! Don't forget to let me know what you think! Contact me in the following ways:

  • Voicemail: 206-984-4213

  • Email:

  • Blog addy: or

Oops! I almost forgot! Here's the link to directly download the MP3 of the show.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Houston, we have a Frappr

Hey Folks, I'd love to start seeing where in the world you're located so cruise on over to Frappr and let me know!

Post-Modern Geek's Guide to Sex Frappr Map

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Popping the podcast cherry

Finally! The Maiden podcast of The Post-Modern Geek's Guide to Sex is up (RSS feed is No it's not perfect and yes I know the sound needs work but it's up and I did it. Woohoo!

The main topic of today's show was World AIDS Day and HIV prevention. Check out the following sites for more info:

Music from todays podcast was "Waking Up The Neighborhood" by Planet of Women and Push by Brother Love.

And most importantly, my intro and end music was "Naked Under Leather" by Rubber Band Banjo. With a song name like that, is it any wonder why I like it so much?

Go check out The Kaiser Family Foundation for all things public health related.

Podcasts you must check out!
The Daily Source Code by Adam Curry
Open Source Sex by Violet Blue
Whorecast by Melissa Gira
Whispered Pearls at Creative Filth

And most importantly...The Podsafe Music Network where I found all the music I used for this show.

Don't let me forget Good Vibrations either! For all your sex toy needs.

Thank you for listening and thank you for any creative criticism you can send my way. And if you notice any links I forgot to put up, please let me know.

Edit: I realized after the fact that the file had been truncated in transit but I now have the proper, complete file in there so please give it a listen again.

Post Modern Geek's Guide to Sex contact info

Here it is folks!

Voicemail: 206-984-4213
Blog addy:

Hope to hear from ya soon!