Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blog for Choice Day

I almost missed it! Thank god for Twitter...

This year's topic? What is your top pro-choice hope for President Obama and/or the new Congress?

Well let's see.
  • I want medically accurate information about condoms put back on the CDC web site
  • I want the US to stop throwing money away on abstinence only education that has been shown not to work and in fact that actually hurts the kids receiving it
  • I want the global gag order lifted
  • I want us to be able to provide money for HIV prevention to agencies even if they have not come down on the side of the moral majority regarding sex work
  • I want access to medically accurate information about human sexuality, contraception and disease prevention to be available to kids and adolescents in a way that they can easily access it
  • I want pregnancy to stop being seen as punitive damages paid for having sex
  • I want there to be safe, medical abortions available for women who have to make that tough choice

Yes, that's a long list and perhaps an ambitious one but I believe that if enough of us pay attention, make some noise and insist that our government listen to us, we can make some if not all if it come to pass.

Go here for more info about Blog For Choice Day.

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